Valentines Day: Gifts To Scratch That Itch

It’s already Valentines Day, and as I pondered what to get my husband I wanted to consider some of the subtle nuances of our union…while still being playful and fun. We’re in our seventh year of marriage, and I’m not superstitious (ok, I’m not THAT superstitious) but best to be proactive. I was thinking a good idea might be to consider ideas that would scratch each others itch, so to speak… and heck, it would totally be a gift for the two of us if I did it right. I am a bit tardy posting this, so I can tell you I did in fact get him one of the items here–I won’t say which, that’s a bit intimate–but in case you’re in need of some last-minute ideas, a few of these are DIY friendly and pretty fast(ish).

Happy Valentines day. Xo

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How To Get Away Without Going Away: Aka My 6th Anniversary


Some highlights from this weekend: read on for the details

My wedding anniversary was coming up and I wanted to surprise my darling husband… Now, let me just say it’s impossible to surprise my husband. Ok, not impossible. I did it once. For his 39th birthday because I knew his 40th would be too obvious. I had a surprise dinner for him with a bunch of friends. But that was a few years ago. Never before or since.

Because its so hard to surprise him, trying to plan a gift involving travel is doubly challenging. So I hatched a plan…

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Tech Gift Ideas Found At CES

20130115-225402.jpgI began this post en route back from the International CES in Las Vegas where I walked the floors of the North, South and Central Halls of the Las Vegas Convention Center. Every January, spectators from every continent come to demonstrate and spectate…and, hey it’s Vegas, so they also celebrate. I was pretty surprised this year, in addition to cool TVs, camera and appliances I also found a bunch of interesting electronic gifts to look forward to in the upcoming months… Some are even available now, and totally worth the possibility of an early adopter mark-up, if you ask me. Here are my top picks for the tech lover in your life.

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Justin Bieber Themed Gifts

20121201-162121.jpgIf you dig this post or it gives you some good advice, you have my daughter to thank. After a rough day yesterday I looked to her youth and cheery outlook to inspire a post. Her advice: she told me how Justin Bieber always makes her feel better…I thought I’d give it a whirl. I’m sure it didn’t have the exact same euphoric effect that it has on her, but it certainly didn’t hurt: I got to search for items and ideate with my best girlie and that totally got me in better spirits until — whaddaya know — I was having fun. My son and husband on the other hand were probably very happy to go to baseball clinic this morning and get away from all the “Baby, baby, baby, ohhhh…”

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What I’m Wishing For

As parents, we always gather lists from our children, nieces and nephews but when do we get to put together a wish list of our own?  When we start our own blog, that’s when!  This is the ultimate indulgence, agreed, but it’s also potentially a service to you, the reader, to see what items I’m currently obsessed with.  Fair warning…I’m dreaming big this holiday (not like world peace dreaming big) but I am putting it all out there.

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Practical Gifts: Be Prepared in an Emergency

emergency_kit.jpgThe aftermath of Hurricane Sandy is reverberating across my hometown and I expect it will for a while. The news is still on almost 24/7 and there are still areas without power, water, heat and compounding that, others have lost their homes, their lives and loved ones. As a New Yorker, it’s incredibly eerie and reminiscent of the events of 9/11 and to some extent, the Blackout of 2003 when we were glued to not only the news but the ticker-tape text augmenting the audio/visual on the screen–as if there just was just too much information to consume no single person could actually digest it all.

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Gifts For Resetting and Recharging


© Luchschen |

This week was full of emotional highs and lows. A really rough week at work was followed by a fantastic 20th grammar and high school reunion with friends–some I’ve known since third grade. Between saying goodbye to departing colleagues and catching up with old friends, I’ve been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster and so a reset was in order. STAT. It was time to press recharge, even just for a day…ok maybe two…and indulge one or more of these tried and true outlets.

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Gifts To Celebrate A New Job

20120928-004753.jpgWe often say things like “it’s only a job” but try saying that to someone who just scored a new one or is the recent recipient of a well-deserved promotion. So before that pink cloud dissipates, here are some ideas to show your upwardly-mobile recipient just how proud you are.

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Gifts for Back to School II: Tech Gear

In my day I begged my mother for a Trapper Keeper…anyone else remember those? Mine had kittens on them — similar to the image below with the puppies but with, well kittens) — and I LOVED it. Today middle schoolers at my daughters school are encouraged to have laptops, that’s right laptops and both my kids are connected with phones, tablets and computers and we are in constant connection with them from the moment they leave the house until the moment we come home from work. So the real question was what cases should they get this year?

Trapper Keeper circa early ’80s
mine had kitties

As I was browsing the web in search of picks to surprise my own mini technophiles with, I made note of some of my faves to share with you…(yes, I know, some could work even for me).

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